
Quotes To Encourage

Stay tuned for more quotes to be posted WEEKLY!
(New ones marked in Dark Gray)

"Love is the shovel that buries the offence" ~Matt Johnson

"If God can would bury the offence, how much more should we?" ~Matt Johnson

"God's plan rises above all others." ~Matt Johnson

"You'll only shine bright if you're clean." ~Matt Johnson 

"It's more dangerous to live ungodly." ~Matt Johnson 

"The plan God has for you cannot be done in the flesh no matter how good you are at it." ~Matt Johnson 

"They that are in the flesh, cannot be used by God." ~Rick Dawson 

"The holy spirit can only do what you let him." ~Rick Dawson 

"God planned your life; You are on purpose!" ~Rick Dawson 

"Change it by making changes in your life!" ~Rick Dawson 

"Jesus died so you could live, now you die daily so HE can live thru you" ~Rick Dawson 

"Get to the point where you have NO desire to sin." ~Rick Dawson 

"You can't listen to the wrong kind of music & be the right kind of Christian!" ~Rick Dawson 

"Whatever feeds your flesh, quit it!" ~Rick Dawson 

"Give Him a chance to speak & HE will!" ~Rick Dawson 

"It's not whether or not the Lord will do it, it's if you're living right. God can." ~Rick Dawson 

"We're all capable of the same sin." ~Rick Dawson 

"Don't react negatively!" ~Rick Dawson 

"The Devil uses your reactions cause he has a goal to get YOU to have a bad attitude" ~Rick Dawson 

"What could Sampson have done if he was doing RIGHT?" ~Rick Dawson 

"If we were all right with God, we'd all be doing what we're suppose to." ~Rick Dawson 

"It never starts like that... it starts with the LITTLE sins." ~Rick Dawson 

"If you don't get it right, it'll get worse." ~Rick Dawson

"You can't be HIS disciple unless you DENY yourself & take up your cross." ~Rick Dawson 

"Our War is a Spiritual battle. You fight it with the Spirit, Not the flesh!" ~Rick Dawson 

"God can't bless ANY of us if we have sin in our lives." ~Rick Dawson 

"When you get baggage in your life when you were a teen, I mean wouldn't it just be better if you entered into your adult years right with God?!" ~Rick Dawson 

"If you're not satisfied with the Christian Life, you're gonna go to the world." ~Rick Dawson 

"Eat to live, don't Live to eat!" ~Rick Dawson 

"Get the Christian life REAL to YOU!" ~Rick Dawson 

"Are we blessable?" ~Rick Dawson

"It's a sad thing when there is something in your life that is obvious to everyone else but your eyes are blind to it." ~Rick Dawson

"I don't have to understand 'it' to be virtuous (right), but If I listen, & do it, I'll eventually look back & think I get it now." ~Rick Dawson 

"It's God's will for us to be Witnesses!" ~Rick Dawson 

"Have a teachable spirit." ~Rick Dawson 

"Keep things in order- God's building you." ~Rick Dawson 

"It's not about you trying. It's about you getting out of the way & letting the Spirit work." ~Rick Dawson 

"The altar doesn't fix anybody." ~Rick Dawson 

"Lots of good people fill our churches, but they're not godly." ~Rick Dawson 

We ought to be changing & getting Godly!" ~Rick Dawson 

"If everyone we knew were filled with the Spirit, every relationship we had would be right." ~Rick Dawson 

"When was the last time we actively stood up & took a stand?" ~Rick Dawson 

"Holy Spirit is the Solution!" ~Rick Dawson 

"We need eachother." ~Rick Dawson 

"When the Spirit of God is working, we let God work through us!" ~Rick Dawson 

"The only thing perfect in the world is the Word of God!" ~Rick Dawson 

"Being filled with the Spirit isn't "trying", it's dying and letting the Spirit work through you!" ~Rick Dawson 

"If Portions of Scripture do not come up somewhat regularly in your conversation, there is not enough of the Bible in you". ~R.B. Ouellette 

"Don't Pounce on them, Pray for them!" ~Clayton Doss

"We can make it work if we work at it." ~Clayton Doss

"Find Comfort in God's Word." ~Clayton Doss

"See, the Devil HATES Unity." ~Clayton Doss

"You can either lock arms or lock horns." ~Clayton Doss

"Acknowledge your sin, confess it, & then get up & go on." ~Clayton Doss

"Success - Putting your Faith into your Work." ~Clayton Doss

"A prayer life should consist of us praying by faith & respecting the answer God will return no matter what it is." ~ Matthew Johnson

"Pray BEYOND the possibilities, preferences, & perception." ~Clayton Doss

"Don't let trials affect your joy." ~Matthew Johnson

"Joy is a settled thing in your hearts - for the Christian." ~Matthew Johnson

"Have great faith." ~C.S. Spurgeon 

"Unload on the Lord. He ALWAYS Listens." ~Clayton Doss

"It's one thing to access the Scripture, It's another thing to Apply it!" ~Clayton Doss

"The Bible is the Final Word!" ~Clayton Doss

"We all get kicked around by the Devil all the time. We ought not get kicked around by the Redeemed." ~Clayton Doss

"The Lord is mighty in word and deeds!" ~Clayton Doss

"Atheism never made anyone happy." ~Clayton Doss

"God is pleased with a humble attitude." ~Clayton Doss

"You are becoming today what you will be tomorrow." ~Clayton Doss

"Go to God." ~Matthew Johnson

"Though he slay me, I shall trust him." ~Unknown

"The wisdom of God is infinite - So trust him to take care of you." ~Holly Doss (Me) 

"It's not as much what I can do for God, it's what God can do through me." ~Clayton Doss

"If God knows, that's all I need to know." ~Clayton Doss

"We're all in this TOGETHER." ~Clayton Doss

"Be led in the Spirit & Walk in the Spirit & be empowered by the Spirit." ~Matthew Johnson

"Be close to the Shepherds side." ~Matthew Johnson

"Learn to hold loosely to things not eternal." ~Clayton Doss

"We ALL come AS sinners to the Cross where the ground is level." ~Clayton Doss

"Come to the Lord with Faith." ~Clayton Doss

Never feel like you're not necessary." ~Clayton Doss

"We can cope with Christ." ~Clayton Doss

"HOPE - Hold on, Pain ends." ~Unknown

"Suffering comes into our lives to help us be humble, rely on him, & stay sweet and tender." ~Clayton Doss

"Don't try to live a holy life. Try living a holy minute." ~Clayton Doss

"Meekness is not weakness, It is STRENGTH under control." ~Felicia Doss

"Suffer patiently for the Lord." ~Clayton Doss

"Sing in the Fire." ~Clayton Doss

"We need to get back in the Bible!" ~Clayton Doss

"Don't draw back from challenges, Let God use them." ~Clayton Doss

"God will carry you through." ~Clayton Doss

"The Christians afflictions are all light compared to the coming rewards & home we'll have in heaven." ~Clayton Doss

"Don't get Angry with Life." ~Clayton Doss

"The Bible - As we read it, it reads us." ~Clayton Doss

Go forward and do something for God!" ~David Dawson

"God forgives ALL of our sins!" ~David Dawson

"Shake your church up for Christ!" ~Bryan Graham

"We need to have a fire in us to do something Great for God!" ~Troy Cloninger

"Don't prove yourself to your friends, Prove yourself to God" ~Zach Williams

"It's okay, cause God is in control" ~ Billy Schrader

"Be planted firm in where God has put you" ~Dean James (D.J.) Walker

"Don't be dead in the service of God" ~Keith Kindy

"Great sinners can be transformed into exceptional Christians when they turn their passionate appetites towards Christ" ~Unknown

"Let Go and Let God" ~Unknown

      "God knows Your name!" ~ Clayton Doss

      "When you discover that Jesus is all you have, you'll find He's All you need!" ~Unknown

      "What happens IN you is more important then what happens TO you" ~ Clayton Doss

          "The 1st mile determines character, the 2nd mile determines Christianity" ~ Clayton Doss

"God's grace is sufficient" ~ Clayton Doss

  "Have joy in the Lord!" ~ Clayton Doss

   "Life without the Lord is no life at All!" ~Clayton Doss

           "Live your life for something that outlasts life" ~Clayton Doss

      "Courage is Fear who has Prayed" ~ Clayton Doss


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